The Top 5 Germ Hotspots InYour New Orleans Office

When it comes to keeping your New Orleans office clean and healthy, it's not just about sweeping the floors and emptying the trash cans. Germs can lurk in unexpected places, and knowing where they hide can help you maintain office cleaning New Orleans . Here we’ll uncover the top 5 germ hotspots you need to be aware of in your New Orleans office. The Breakroom Fridge Let's start with the place where you store your lunch and snacks – the breakroom fridge. It's a communal area where different hands touch the door handle, and sometimes, food spills happen. Without regular commercial cleaning service New Orleans , it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Make it a habit to wipe down the fridge handles and shelves with disinfectant regularly to keep things fresh and safe. Office Desks and Keyboards Your desk and computer keyboard are personal spaces, but they're also prime real estate for germs. Think about it: you touch them all day long. Dust, crumbs, ...